
Houdini curtis
Houdini curtis

houdini curtis

Hollywood’s silver screen couple, Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh, teamed for this 1953 Technicolor entertainment about the life of famed illusionist Harry Houdini. Provided that the audience knows that it’s 50% (or more) fiction mixed in with fact. When all’s said and done, Houdini is an entertaining film. It’s because of this movie that many people have the false impression that Houdini died attempting his water torture escape. However, beyond that, it takes enormous liberties with events in Harry Houdini‘s life, including totally changing how Houdini died. The actors actually learned how to perform the various illusions. In fact, producer George Pal did no camera tricks. It’s also noteworthy in the film’s attempts at duplicating some of Harry Houdini‘s great escapes. On the one hand, it’s a very entertaining film, with good performances by the lead actors. Nowhere is that truer than in Houdini, starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh. Hollywood tends to take enormous liberties with the facts in order to make a more entertaining movie. Whether it’s virtually any biography done by Oliver Stone, or biographies about Buster Keaton, Capone, etc. If there’s one type of film that Hollywood does extremely poorly, it’s the biography. Houdini (1953), starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh She lovingly stood by his side throughout his legendary career.

houdini curtis

Also stars the beautiful Janet Leigh as Houdini s supportive wife. Houdini captures the amazing life and courage of this fascinating man. From his beginnings as a wild man carnival act to the internationally famous feat of escaping from a locked trunk in an ice-jammed river.

houdini curtis

T he struggling circus performer who emerged as the world s most captivating magician and escape artist. Tony Curtis gives a winning performance as the great Houdini.

Houdini curtis